Plugin Contol in Cubase 12 with Platform Nano

Описание к видео Plugin Contol in Cubase 12 with Platform Nano

The Platform Nano is a MIDI control surface for producers, engineers, musicians and home studio enthusiasts who want hands on control of their modern “in the box” digital music production with a small footprint. The Platform Nano DAW Controller, adds tactile control with a single motorized fader via USB 3.0 to your Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) and production system. With one (1) full sized motorized fader, four (4) rotary dual-function encoder knobs, backlit buttons for Mute, Solo, Automation and Transport control, a jog wheel, and access to your entire mix by banking across tracks in groups of 8 or 1 channel at a time.

This video explains how to get started with Plugin Control in Cubase 12.


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