MTG DECK TECH 66: SEAMONSTER DECK with Arixmethes, Koma & Aesi

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MTG DECK TECH 66: SEAMONSTER DECK with Arixmethes, Koma & Aesi

Kaldheim has brought us a nice new Sea Serpent called KOMA, Cosmos Serpent. So it's time to build a nice Seamonster Deck. SO if you like Krakens, Leviathans, Octopus & other big weird stuff that lives in the sea ... you have come to the right place ! As we also included Aesi, Tyrant of Gyre Strait & Arixmethes Slumbering Isle.

A big thanks also to our partner Cardmarket: , the best place to buy and sell cards in Europe. Are you new to cardmarket. Add piupiu24 when you sign up at card market to support the channel. Thank you for helping out!


The deck, as always is under 50$, and is a great fit if you want to improve you magic the gathering gameplay. Of course, if you like casual formats, jank and playing mtg tribal ... this is certainly a deck for you! As always we pay attention to the flavour and also we include a variety of different cards to have fun and diverse game play in the mtg arena !

Also if you like magic Game play: check out the link here for our tribal tournament:

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A big thanks also to our partner Cardmarket: , the best place to buy and sell cards in Europe.

▶Do you want to try card market? Send me a comment first before you subscribe and use my user name: Piupiu24 and I''ll me up and I'll send you a 5€ promo code
▶ You can support me as wel, by buying some of my cards as well ! (Storm & Cookie cat tokens will be included if you mention the channel :-)).
▶ Did you win the voucher? Send me a PM on cardmarket: You can find me as piupiu24

▶ The deck on deck stats:


1 Bonders' Enclave
1 Flooded Grove
4 Forest
12 Island
1 Lonely Sandbar
2 Temple of Mystery
1 Temple of the False God
2 Thornwood Falls

1 Beyeen Veil // Beyeen Coast
1 Ichthyomorphosis
1 Into the Roil
1 Kiora Bests the Sea God
2 Omen of the Sea
1 Ominous Seas
1 Simic Charm
1 Sublime Epiphany
1 Thassa's Intervention
2 Whelming Wave

▶Spells - Ramp
1 Bounty of the Luxa
2 Cultivate
1 Explore
1 Growth Spiral
1 Star Compass
1 Thran Dynamo

1 Kiora, Behemoth Beckoner

1 Aesi, Tyrant of Gyre Strait
1 [2XM#189] Arixmethes, Slumbering Isle
1 [CON#30] Inkwell Leviathan
1 Koma, Cosmos Serpent
1 Mesmerizing Benthid
2 Nadir Kraken
1 Scourge of Fleets
1 Serpent of Yawning Depths
1 [DIS#130] Simic Sky Swallower
1 Stormtide Leviathan
1 Tolarian Kraken
1 [BNG#55] Tromokratis
1 Voracious Greatshark
1 Waker of Waves

▶Other creatures
1 Thryx, the Sudden Storm

1 Brinelin, the Moon Kraken
1 Frilled Mystic
1 Imprisoned in the Moon
1 Kefnet's Monument
1 Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy
1 [ZEN#53] Lorthos, the Tidemaker
1 Nimbus Swimmer
1 Return to Nature
1 Sea Gate Oracle
1 Sea God's Revenge
1 Simic Charm
1 [DOM#66] Slinn Voda, the Rising Deep
1 Spreading Seas
1 [DIS#133] Trygon Predator
1 Urban Evolution
1 Yorion, Sky Nomad


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