William Schuman: Undertow (1945)

Описание к видео William Schuman: Undertow (1945)

William Schuman (1910-1992): Undertow, choreographic episodes for orchestra (1945).

1. Opening - The Transgressor is born
2. The Transgressor approaches manhood
3. A group of hoodlums rushes past
4. Polyhymnia urges salvation
5. Entrance of Ate - Flirting with the Transgressor
6. Drunken women mock the bridal couple
7. Ate returns with the hoodlums
8. The drunk women interrupt - Ate escapes
9. The Transgressor and Medusa - Love and Death
10. Alone, the Transgressor whrites in fear
11. Finale - The Transgressor atones for his mortal sin

NBC Symphony Orchestra diretta da Guido Cantelli.

Broadcast from Manhattan Center, Nerw York, on December 4, 1950.

Cover image: painting by Kate Gritton.


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