How to calculate Cement, Sand & Aggregates in M20 grade Concrete | Cement in Concrete Grade |

Описание к видео How to calculate Cement, Sand & Aggregates in M20 grade Concrete | Cement in Concrete Grade |

Hi Guys,

In this Video, i will tell you how to calculate Cement, Sand & Aggregates in M20 grade Concrete, also you will get idea about density of cement.

For interview conversion of cement bags, quantity etc. , do watch till end & do not forget to share to all your civil related people.

Density of Sand - 1631 kg/m3
Density of Aggregates - 1200 kg/m3 to 1750 kg/m3 - Depending on the size of aggregates.

Cement Quantity in concrete.
Sand Quantity in concrete.
Aggregates Quantity in concrete.

Cement Quantity in M20 grade of concrete.
Sand Quantity in M20 grade of concrete.
Aggregates Quantity in M20 grade of concrete.

#cementcalculationinconcrete #sandcalculationinconcrete #aggregatecalculationinconcrete

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