Big Toe Numb? It Could be Your Lower Back

Описание к видео Big Toe Numb? It Could be Your Lower Back

Is your big toe numb? It could be a pinched nerve in your lower back, a pinched nerve locally near the big toe, or a combination of the two. Dr. Chris Centeno speaks to why this could be so and what you can do about it.

Is your big toe numb?: (0:00)
What causes numbness and pain in toes (0:20)
Nerve Irritation (0:40)
What you can do about it (1:06)

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Centeno-Schultz Clinic -------
Centeno-Schultz Blog ---------
Dr. Centeno’s Profile Page --

If you are experiencing big toe numbness or tingling, it could be irritation of a nerve near the L5 in the lumbar spine. With injections of growth factors found in stem cells or blood platelet, you can avoid larger issues down the road.

Want to learn more? Read the Article "Big Toe Numbness? It Could Be Your Low Back" on

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