Alternative communication methods for inclusive library storytimes

Описание к видео Alternative communication methods for inclusive library storytimes

All about reading | Libraries as Community Connectors

Liora Ballin, a speech pathologist at Plumtree Children’s Services, talks about using different communication methods to enhance the Storytime experience for children with disability or delay.

AAC (augmentative and alternative communication) supports children with difficulties understanding speech or minimal verbal speech. It includes keyword signs, communication boards, computer-based technologies, and Auslan (Australian sign language). Children of all abilities can also benefit from these methods and learn to communicate better.

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Plumtree’s Libraries as Community Connectors project is funded by the Australian
Government Department of Social Services for creating connections between families of children
with disabilities and their communities.


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Plumtree is a not-for-profit organisation that provides support for young children aged birth to 8 years old with a developmental delay or disability and their families. Plumtree has been a trusted community-based organisation for over 30 years. We draw on the diverse expertise of our staff to provide tailored support for children and families, including education, therapy, information and training in a variety of settings — in the home, at the child’s preschool, childcare centre or school, at our Marrickville centre and in other community settings.

Plumtree is a registered NDIS Provider for specialist supports for children from birth to 8. This means that if your child has an NDIS Plan and package, you can choose to use your child’s funding to purchase the services we provide.
However, Plumtree also provides free drop-in playgroups and a full calendar of events and workshops for you even if you don’t have an NDIS package.
We also provide services that you can purchase privately, using Medicare rebates or private health insurance.


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