Edgar Allan Poe's Murder Mystery Dinner Party Ch. 1: The Bells

Описание к видео Edgar Allan Poe's Murder Mystery Dinner Party Ch. 1: The Bells

Edgar Allan Poe and his ghostly roommate Lenore await the arrival of their dinner party guests and everything goes exactly as planned.

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Own or rent the feature length cut of Poe Party along with over five hours of bonus features:

SHIPWRECKED/POE PARTY MERCH: https://shop.3blackdot.com/collection...


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A new eleven part murder mystery comedy series
Produced by Shipwrecked Comedy
In Association with American Black Market

Written & Created by Sean Persaud & Sinead Persaud

Directed by William J. Stribling -   / wjstrobelight  

Sean Persaud as Edgar Allan Poe -   / seanpersaudmd  
Sinead Persaud as Lenore the Lady Ghost -   / sineadpersaud  
Mary Kate Wiles as Annabel Lee -   / mkwiles  
Sarah Grace Hart as Emily Dickinson -   / hartgracesarah  
Whitney Avalon as Mary Shelley -   / whitneyavalon  
Ashley Clements as Charlotte Brontë -   / theashleyclem  
Tom DeTrinis as Oscar Wilde -   / teedetee  
Ryan Garcia as Eddie Dantes -   / muchosgarcias  
Lauren Lopez as George Eliot -   / laurenlopez1  
Tara Perry as Louisa May Alcott -   / taraperry  
Joey Richter as Ernest Hemingway -   / joeyrichter  
Blake Silver as HG Wells -   / blakesilver  
and Clayton Snyder as Fyodor Dostoevsky -   / heyclaytron  

Production Designer: Katie Moest -   / katiemoest  
Art Director: Kim Brunner -   / kimbrunner  
Composer: Dylan Glatthorn -   / glatthorn  
Sound Design: Justin Lee Dixon -   / justinleedixon  
Editor: Raymond Fraser
Director of Photography: Alex Gallitano -   / alexgallitano  
Assistant Director: Wes Middleton
Executive Producers: Gregg Gibbons & April Morris
Shipwrecked Comedy Producers: Sean Persaud, Sinéad Persaud, Mary Kate Wiles, & Sarah Grace Hart
American Black Market Producers:
Brent Madison -   / brentamadison  
Ryan M. Murphy -   / firstryansaid  

Gaffer: Devin Hassan & Zach Ziedman
First Assistant Camera: Allan Chavarria & Daniel De Menezes
Key Grip: Sebastian Johnson & James Sowka
Hair & Makeup: Morgan McDonnell
Script Supervisor: Taylor Brogan -   / thbrogan  
Grip/Swing: Nick Leucking & Jamie Gonçalves
Assistant Hair & Makeup: Keely Williams
Site Rep: Darlena Roberts
BTS: Christopher Higgins -   / higgaroni  
Production Assistants: Tia Workman, Oriana Scafidi, Stacy Baker, Kelly Baker, Kelsey Geller, Erin Wert, Delaney Peterson, Caitlin Olsen, Ilana Elroi, Jennifer Richee

Camera Services: Neinhuis Camera Services, Inc.
Catering: Boyz in the Kitchen

Special Thanks:
Western Costume
David Cater (  / davidcater  ) & Genevieve Swords (  / fromgenevieve  )
Corey Lubowich -   / coreylubo  
League of S.T.E.A.M. -   / leagueofsteam  
Dan Brown
Kasey Morrison
Parrish Tigh
Pitfire Pizza North Hollywood
Erin Wert -   / erinwert  

Animated Logo, Thumbnail & Endscreen: David Cater

Kickstarted by 1,139 wonderful people

leaVe my loneliness unbroken


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