Amazing 传奇:Remake of Zhang Zhehan 2020 magazine compilations歌词古风翻译

Описание к видео Amazing 传奇:Remake of Zhang Zhehan 2020 magazine compilations歌词古风翻译

In that misty morning when I saw your smiling face
氤氲晨间 如画笑颜
You only look at me and I was yours
伊人一瞥 入我心田
But when I turn around you were nowhere to be seen
蓦然回首 无人在畔
You have walked away and closed the door
伊人远去 芳影杳然
When will I see you again
不知何时 佳人再现/佳人得见
When will the sky stop to rain
不知何时 雨霁雾散
When will the stars start to shine
不知何时 星河璀璨/星光灿烂
When will I know that you are mine
不知何时 美人得抱
Did I ever meet you in the sunshine
可曾阳光冉冉 相见成欢
And when we were both a thousand years away
可曾日升月落 跨越千年
Did I ever hold you in the moonlight
可曾月色皎皎 拥你入怀
Did we make every minute last another day
可曾须臾萤火 铭记心间
On a cold December night I gave my heart to you
冬夜瑟瑟 我心永志
And by the summer you were gone
夏日炎炎 与卿别离
Now as the days grow older and the stars will start to dim
时光渐老 星辰黯淡
All I have are memories and this song
惟余此曲 回忆长伴
In that misty morning when I saw your smiling face
氤氲晨间 我看见你如画笑颜
Ps. 最后一句放在 #张哲瀚 身上可以换成“氤氲晨间,我看见你盛世美颜”


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