Stephanie Leonidas Interview @ Film and Comic Con Amsterdam - IRISA from DEFIANCE - make up - props

Описание к видео Stephanie Leonidas Interview @ Film and Comic Con Amsterdam - IRISA from DEFIANCE - make up - props

A very short but cool interview with the lovely STEPHANIE LEONIDAS. She plays IRISA in one of my favourite TV Shows: DEFIANCE. I met her at Film and Comic Con Amsterdam (Netherlands) on August, 27th. Sorry, for the bad sound quality. It was a spontanious interview. I had no tv equipment with me, and made it with my iPhone 6. And it was very loud in the venue :-)
Please note: this is just a rough cut of my complete Interview. In my TV Show you see just two statements. I know about my german accent and in german television you will never hear me talk english - it´s all dubbed here with german language. So please don´t freak out about my english ;-) just be happy for the opportunity to see all the statements of this stars in full length – without any dubbing or cuts inside the statements of the stars. I made it to share it with all the fans of this tv series and this Hollywood-Star. Please subscribe my channel - it´s for free. Bitte abonniert meinen Kanal - es kostet nichts und so erfahrt ihr immer, wenn ich ein neues Interview hochgeladen habe :-)


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