How to Cut & Prepare RIPE JACKFRUIT "Langka"

Описание к видео How to Cut & Prepare RIPE JACKFRUIT "Langka"

Jackfruit is a tropical fruit that has blunt and sometimes sharp spikes on the outer skin. The inside has pods with pits/seeds that are also edible. Seeds can be boiled with salt, or roast/bake in the oven. The yellow-orange fleshy part of the fruit is the sweetest part. The light yellow and white filament is bland but can be sweet as well depending on the ripeness of the fruit. When the jackfruit is ripe and fresh, sometimes each pod has little bit of juice that's also sweet and you can just suck on. Green jackfruit can be cooked into a savory dish. The sweet-smelling aroma makes you want to try this interesting fruit.


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