Bejeweled Deluxe - Network Multi-Mashup (birthday gift for Oh the Purple Eevee)

Описание к видео Bejeweled Deluxe - Network Multi-Mashup (birthday gift for Oh the Purple Eevee)

We almost got 2024 behind us, and I thought about making a digital advent calendar. So expect me to post at least one video throughout December 1st-24th! Here's the 15th door of my digital advent calendar that includes a brand new game music mashup and is as well a birthday gift for ‪@OhThePurpleEevee.‬!

Musics used:
Bejeweled Deluxe - Network
Bejeweled: Network (Bejeweled 2/3 Instruments) (by DanPHTMNight)
Bejeweled Deluxe, but it's chiptune (by Muddy Water)

~~ My socials (only those I'm often active in are shown) ~~
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Steam (Friend Code): 1102380795
VRChat: MrKPoyo


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