Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Czechia) - Part #16 - Troll + Quidditch Match II

Описание к видео Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Czechia) - Part #16 - Troll + Quidditch Match II

Ron alerts Harry that a Huge Troll is on rampage and it's cornered Hermione in Girls Toilets

Ron tells Harry that she Needs their Help and They need to try Rescue her Straight Away

Follow Ron to rescue Hermione

As Ron and Harry arrive in way to Girls Toilets they hear the Troll comes out

Ron goes Find Hermione and Harry will Distract the Troll

Distract the Troll by following the trail of Beans

When Ron and Harry sets a trap for the Troll they hear Hermione yelling for help

Ron will Charm Trolls Club to Bash it on his head

While Ron cast Wingardium Leviosa on Trolls club to bash it on his head Cast Flipendo on the junk that Troll throws to avoid hitting you or Ron

After the Troll is knocked out by the club Hermione is saved

As Hermione asks if the Troll is dead so Ron says that he's just Knocked out

Hermione, Ron and Harry escape

After the Encounter with the Troll Hermione, Ron and Harry return to the Gryffindor Common Room and Disgust the Strange goings-on in Hogwarts

Harry suspects that who released the Troll to distract anyone to Enter the Forbidden Corridor

But there wasn't much time to know who is behind this especially since Harry was busy preparing for the Second Quidditch Match against Ravenclaw

The Second Quidditch Match begins! It's Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw!

Follow the path on the Golden Snitch and catch it if the Snitch close to your hand

The Snitch is caught and Harry Wins the Second Quidditch Match!

Thanks to Harry’s skill as a Seeker, Gryffindor won the Quidditch match against Ravenclaw.

In Hagrid's Hut Harry, Hermione and Ron tell Hagrid that he can't keep Norbert

After much Coaxing Hagrid Agreed

It's Christmas in Hogwarts! Harry's Christmas Present is Invisibility Cloak

There is note: Your father left this in my possession, Use it well and Very Merry Christmas to you!

Harry Tries the Cloak and Hermione and Ron preparing him to get to the Tower

Hermione tells Harry to be Careful because he can't stay Invisible while he cast spells Because Filch can see him

As Norbert bundled up Harry set off to the Tallest Tower and hopes that the Cloak will Conceal him from Filch and Mrs. Norris


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