HUD-Approved Housing Counseling: What is it?

Описание к видео HUD-Approved Housing Counseling: What is it?

Economic Growth Corporation (GROWTH) has been a HUD-certified housing counseling agency since 2003 to further its mission to ensure all individuals have equal access to safe, fair, and affordable housing.

​This video shows how GROWTH and its housing counselors address topics relevant to clients needs.

GROWTH has certified housing counselors on staff who are able to provide individualized financial literacy and housing counseling that can assist them in their individual circumstances.

Our counselors are trained and certified on a regular basis.

In all cases, individuals are provided information on fair housing rights and guidance on your fair housing related concerns.

Call (309) 788-6311 and speak with one of our HUD-certified housing counselors. Se habla Espanol.


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