My GoLang Learning Journey Episode 5 RESTful API with Gin

Описание к видео My GoLang Learning Journey Episode 5 RESTful API with Gin

Welcome to the fifth episode of my GoLang learning journey! 🚀

In this video, we take a significant step forward by developing a RESTful API using the powerful and lightweight Gin framework. You'll see how easy and efficient it is to create APIs in GoLang, perfect for building scalable web services.

Once the API is built, I’ll show you how to test its endpoints using Postman to ensure everything works as expected. Additionally, we’ll dive into version control, leveraging Git and GitHub to manage our codebase effectively, a crucial skill for modern developers.

📌 What you’ll learn in this video:

Setting up and building a RESTful API with the Gin framework in GoLang.
Testing API endpoints using Postman.
Utilizing Git for version control and managing your project on GitHub.
Best practices for API development and collaboration in GoLang.

✨ Whether you’re a beginner exploring GoLang or a seasoned developer brushing up on RESTful API development, this video offers valuable insights into real-world applications of Go.

📚 Resources:

Gin Framework Documentation: []
Source Code: []

💡 Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe to follow my journey as I learn, explore, and master GoLang step by step!

#GoLang #GinFramework #RESTfulAPI #APIDevelopment #Postman #GitVersionControl #GitHub #BackendDevelopment #LearnGoLang #ProgrammingJourney #GoLangTutorial


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