WMFI Show No. 28: A word is worth a thousand pictures.

Описание к видео WMFI Show No. 28: A word is worth a thousand pictures.

I AM... The World's Most Frustrated Inarticulate...
WE ARE... The World's Most Frustrated Inartuclates - together.

a word says nothing (a word does not say any THING)
and at the same time IT hides everything

TODO (checklist):
[o] MEN On Fire
[X] Book 1980 DW 9/10
[X] 1st Movie 1987 DW 8/10
[X] 2nd Movie 2004 DW 10/10 (next)
[o] see last [?]
[No] TV Series ?!
[X] a/one word (Una Palabra)
"worth" (picture, words, loop/spiral)
[X] mental associations (last strim)
[o] Trump's (lawyer's) Amicus Bum-Kiss with A WORD (or two) MIA and A WORD (or two-thousand) too many
IT is "necessary" (in this era/day-and-age)
[o] If I only had a [ senate ] - sung to the tune of the Bad Trip known as "Oz"
[ ] D. John Sauer should [not?] be Solicitor General. One Word: NO!
? Yin Yang and the art of lesser evils.
[o] Infinity MORE LIES (words without actions are Death -The Word) and the "Art" of "mental/emotional/spiritual" Health
[o] ...the [sound!! of the] gxxshot will set you ( FREE* )... "activations/activators"
[o] DW's "Talking Away From The TRUTH"
[o] Lies Lies Lies (GnR and/or Thompson Twins)

We (for we are many) set up a "coins in the hat" beggar option at PayPal:

Being mentioned or discussed (NOT SPONSORS or Affiliates or AnyTHING) and/or credits:

Carlos Varela - Una Palabra (Official Video)
   • Carlos Varela - Una Palabra (Official...  

XMissGoldieLocksX - Carlos Varela - Una Palabra with lyrics and translation
(UNOFFICIAL but thankfully still up)
   • Carlos Varela - Una Palabra with lyri...  

Man on Fire (A Creasy novel Book 1) Kindle Edition - by A. J. Quinnell - 1980 (2013 Kindle)

Man on Fire 1987 with Scott Glenn
Free with ads at YouTube (?):    • Видео  
? = no share button, "no description", very low like count, no view count (?????)

Man on Fire 2004 with Denzel (Den-Zay-Yell... he fine) Washington
Buy or Rent at YouTube:    • Man On Fire  
( free with ads at some 'other' services )

Thompson Twins - Lies (Official Audio)
   • Thompson Twins - Lies (Official Audio)  


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