Chinese Fake D45 Copy.

Описание к видео Chinese Fake D45 Copy.

My Review of a Chartin. (Fake D45 copy) Purchased from DH Gate strung with EJ 17 13 to 56... There are a few videos of these guitars the internet with wild claims and much conjecture about what exactly they are. Most people that play these fakes, don’t actually play them hard with light gauge strings. They're strumblers or finger pickers. This thing "Won't".. WILL NOT!!!!! Cannot!!! stay in tune if you hit it hard, despite having an OK onboard tuner. Please before you comment and infer I don’t “Tune my Guitar” READ!!! I am playing this guitar hard, like most flatpickers do…No matter what.. It won't stay in tune. Sure I could change the tuners and do mods.. but that’s my point.

They are not even remotely close to a real Martin D45, however, they are good value for money in the price bracket (Without Fake Marin Decals). Recorded with my Ear Trumpet Josephine Condenser through my TLA valve EQP1A into Presonus Studio One V3 with a touch of light compression.


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