AR-15 Short-Stroke problem...SOLVED!

Описание к видео AR-15 Short-Stroke problem...SOLVED!

Some high-speed video of a common problem with home-built AR-15 rifles, and the solution. I've seen in the comments that some folks are a bit leery of using the Flex-hone but they needn't be. Just run it in and out at about 1 second intervals, somewhere around 500 RPM. 10 seconds should be all you need but depending on how bad the chamber is, you may need to repeat the process. Just use a fair amount of oil and be sure to wipe it out with a cleaning patch afterwards.

Sorry for the lack of music until the end but for some reason the "royalty-free" music I used for 8 years all of a sudden became a copyright infringement for me. Odd.


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