Makar Sankranti is set by the solar cycle and corresponds to the exact time astronomical event of Sun Entering in Capricorn sign and is observed on a day that usually falls on 14 January of the Gregorian calendar, but on 15 January in Leap Years. Makar Sankranti's date and time is analogous to Sidereal time of Zodiac sign of Capricorn The year is 365.24 days long and the time difference between the two consecutive instances of Makar Sankranti (Sidereal time of Zodiac sign of Capricorn) is almost the same as the year. We only have 365 days in a year so in the time of four years Calendar lags by one day so we need to adjust it by leap day, 29 February. But Makar Sankranti falls before leap day correction is made therefore on every fourth year it falls on 15 January. Sidereal time of sign of Capricorn also shifts by a day due to leap year. Similarly, the time of Equinoxes also shifts by a day in each four years window. For example, Equinox of September does not fall on the same date each year nor does the winter solstice. Any event related to one revolution of the earth around the sun will have this date shift within 4 years cycle. Similar changes can be seen in the exact time of Solstices and equinoxes. See the table, how the time of the equinox and a Solstice increases and decreases in a cycle of four years


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