12 Minute Strength Workout for Runners (INJURY PREVENTION)

Описание к видео 12 Minute Strength Workout for Runners (INJURY PREVENTION)

Strength training for runners. You can follow along at home with this running strength workout to prevent running injuries and build specific strength for running. Running injury prevention exercises like these are essential for runners of all levels, whether you're a beginner and training for your first 5k race, or you're in the middle of marathon training. This kind of bodyweight workout will help you run strong and avoid running injuries.



➜ 5 Minute Warm Up You NEED before EVERY RUN (to Prevent Running Injuries):
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➜ Dynamic calf and ankle warm-up drills for runners:
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➜ How to know if your glutes are working when you run:
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➜ Crush your next long run (EASY RUNNING FORM):
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➜ Elite runners use this simple technique to run faster (YOU CAN TOO):
   • Pro runners use this simple technique...  


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Music by Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com


ABOUT ME: I'm James Dunne, a runner, sports rehabilitation therapist (similar to physical therapist) and coach based in the UK (Norwich and London).

Since 2007 I've been working with athletes focusing specifically on helping distance runners and triathletes overcome injury and improve performance through developing their individual running technique.

Running biomechanics and physical therapy are real passions of mine. I love to help runners run strong and stay injury free.

WEBSITE: https://www.kinetic-revolution.com

#Running #JamesDunne #PhysicalTherapy


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