[西卡學堂]拆解石屎剝落難斷尾之謎 I 石矢維修 I 鋼筋防鏽 I 鋅蛋 I

Описание к видео [西卡學堂]拆解石屎剝落難斷尾之謎 I 石矢維修 I 鋼筋防鏽 I 鋅蛋 I


完成了石屎維修後,是否真的可以一勞永逸? 我地遇到不少個案,完成修補的周邊位置,亦慢慢出現剝落的情況,好似整極都唔斷尾,非常困擾😵。


最常見的維修方法便是鑿下破損或鬆脫的混凝土,然後再用合適的沙漿來修補。可是,其實四周尚未剝落的混凝土早已經受到氯化物和濕氣的侵蝕,難以完全清除🙅‍♀️。這時間便有機會出現“ 陽極效應” 的化學現象🧪,令四周的混凝土快速地被侵蝕,導致更多位置剝落,然後需要再次修補,沒完沒了。

小小鋅蛋 安枕無憂✌️
Sika® FerroGard® galvanic anodes (俗稱:鋅蛋) 可安裝於高腐蝕風險區域🏗️ 鋅蛋有效保持電子流動的平衡,完成安裝後可大幅度減小電子在鋼筋中流動,從而有效預防鏽蝕情況。


🟢葵涌 – 祖堯邨
🟢土瓜灣 - 樂民新村

想了解更多 “陽極效應” 及鋅蛋的安裝, 立刻睇片
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[Sika Academy]
Can We Solve Spalling Once and For All ❓

We heard a lot of contractors agonizing about continuous spalling problems even concrete repair was done.

The Mystery of Continuous Spalling 🤔
Concrete structure can be eroded by chlorides and persistent water leakage 🌊. This will induce corrosion of the reinforcing steel which can result in significant concrete spalling.

The most common concrete repair practice is to hack off the damaged or defective concrete and patch up with appropriate repair mortars. However, the surrounding concrete may have already contained chloride and humidity which may not be possible to remove completely 🙅‍♀️. The corrosion may start at the surrounding area at a faster speed with the boost of the “Anode Effect” 🧪. As a result, more spalling can be found in the surrounding area and repeated repairs are needed.

Galvanic Anodes – Giving you complete peace of mind✌️
Sika® FerroGard® galvanic anodes can be installed at specific high corrosion risk areas 🏗️. The product helps to maintain the balance of electron flow, which greatly reduces the flow of electrons in the steel bars so as to avoid corrosion effectively.

🌟Product Advantages🌟
📌Easy to install and maintenance free
📌15-20 years effective lifetime
📌Monitor box can be used to monitor the current flow between the anode and the reinforcing steel bar

Project Reference
🟢Kwai Chung – Cho Yiu Chuen
🟢To Kwa Wan – Lok Man Sun Chuen

Watch video for more about anode effect and installation method
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#西卡學堂 #石屎剝落#混凝土維修 #石矢維修 #防蝕保護 #鋅蛋 #樂民新邨 #陽極效應 #鋼筋防鏽 #concreterepair #spalling #corrosion #concreteprotection #lokmansunchuen #sikaferrogard #anode #anodeffect #sikahongkong #BuildingTrust #ConstructionChemicals


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