Rolleiflex SL35 Detailed Review and Demonstration

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A detailed introduction to the hidden Gem, the Rolleiflex SL35, the first 35mm SLR film camera by Rolleiflex. This can be a good upgrade path for the 10,000+ Rollei35 fans on this channel. We also briefly cover the later Rolleiflex 35mm cameras and their re-branded Voigtlander versions.
When you mention Rolleiflex one image comes to mind, a high quality, expensive medium format Twin lens reflex or TLR film camera.
If you are really keen on the evolution of Rolleiflex medium format cameras, you will know about the excellent Rolleiflex SL 66 which was medium format but an SLR, not a TLR. You might also recognise the Rolleiflex SLX, SLX2 and the rest of that family which we covered separately on this channel. These high quality medium format cameras are largely responsible for the fame and reputation of the brand.
Rollei also produced the popular and highly sought-after Rollei 35 family of 35mm cameras. Those were viewfinder cameras.
What’s missing from this picture is the whole range of Rolleiflex 35mm SLR cameras. There is very little on this subject on Youtube in the English language. There is more in Japanese and Spanish. So, I will do my duty to tell you what you have been missing.
This Rolleiflex SL35 from 1970 (to 76) was their entry into the 35mm SLR market in direct competition with Japanese brands such as Pentax and Minolta.
The next model from Rollei was SL350 which came out in 1974 (to 1976) with the same body shape but had Open Aperture metering like all competing cameras. This model was made only in Germany in Chrome and Black. All later models were made only in Singapore.
In early 70’s Zeiss Ikon stopped production, then in 1972 Rollei saw the chance and acquired the Voigtländer brand from Zeiss including its camera designs.
In 1976 (to 80), Rollei introduced the next generation of SLR cameras, the SL35M based on the Voigtlander designs from Icarex 35S or SL 706 but with plastic top and baseplates. There were no technological breakthroughs though. SL35m was also re-badged as Voigtlander VSL 1.
Same year 1976 (to 80) SL35ME was introduced with Aperture priority Automatic shutter. This model was also re-badged as Voigtlander VSL 2.
The final model in 1978 (to 82) was SL35E which was smaller and lighter. Its Voigtlander version was called VSL 3E.
The lens is interchangeable and has a proprietary bayonet mount called QBM or Quick Bayonet Mount. There are adaptors for M42 and Leica LTM (Leica Thread Mount) to also fit onto this camera.
The lenses made for the QBM mount included:
• Carl Zeiss
• Rollei
• Rolleinar
• Schneider
• Voigtlander
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