Fuzarioza/verticiloza/ofilirea vasculara la ardei. Ce este, cum prevenim, cum tratam BIO

Описание к видео Fuzarioza/verticiloza/ofilirea vasculara la ardei. Ce este, cum prevenim, cum tratam BIO

Ofilirea vasculara la ardei este o boala ( fuzarioaza/verticiloza) cu care ne putem trezi aparent " din senin" in gradinile noastre. Trebuie sa stim ce este, ca sa stim cum prevenim aparitia ei si ca sa actionam inca de la primele semne. Specialistii ne invata cum tratam BIO aceasta problema.
Aboneaza-te aici la canalul Gradina BIO Legumix
00:00 Vorbim despre ofilirea vasculara la ardei
00:50-02:15 Cum se manifesta ofilirea vasculara in solar
02:15- 03:04 De ce se ofilesc ardeii
03:04-05:24 Cauzele aparitiei ofilirii vasculare. Cum ajung ciupercile patogene Fusarium si Verticillium sa afecteze ardei
05:24-06:45 Care a fost situatia speciala din solarul Gradina BIo Legumix
06:45-08:45 Cum arata in sectiune plantele de ardeii bolnave
08:45-10:08 Cum actionez cand am o problema noua in gradina
10:08-11:41 Ce solutie folosesc pentru tratarea solului
11:41-14:22 Cum administraz solutia rapid si eficient
14:22-15:03 De ce am tratat toata gradina
15:03-16:54 Pasii urmatori
16:54-19:31 Recapitulare
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music : https://www.bensound.com

Vascular wilting of peppers is a disease (fusarium/verticillosis) that we can't seem to wake up "out of the blue" in our gardens. We need to know what it is, to know how to prevent its occurrence and to act from the first signs. Specialists teach us how to BIO treat this problem.
Subscribe here to the Gradina BIO Legumix channel
00:00 We are talking about vascular wilting in peppers
00:50-02:15 How does vascular wilt diseases occur in the polytunnel?
02:15- 03:04 Why do peppers wither?
03:04-05:24 Causes of vascular withering. How do the pathogenic fungi Fusarium and Verticillium affect peppers
05:24-06:45 What was the special situation in the Gradina BIo Legumix polytunnel?
06:45-08:45 How sick pepper plants look in section?
08:45-10:08 How do I act when I have a new problem in the garden?
10:08-11:41 What solution do I use to treat the soil?
11:41-14:22 How do I administer the solution quickly and efficiently?
14:22-15:03 Why did I treat the whole garden?
15:03-16:54 Next steps
16:54-19:31 Recap
You might be interested in:
Problems in the garden and BIO solutions:    • Probleme in gradina si solutii bio  
How we treat the seeds:    • Cum tratam BIO semintele? Conditii id...  
Playlist about seedlings:    • RASADURI- tot ce trebuie sa stim pent...  
music : https://www.bensound.com


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