20. A New Generation Of Flower Essences With Samantha Of The Spiral Path

Описание к видео 20. A New Generation Of Flower Essences With Samantha Of The Spiral Path

I am BEYOND excited to share with you this weeks episode. We had our very first guest of 'season two' Samantha Boersma is a visionary, an intuitive and a creatress immersed in the world of flower essences and plant spirits, her body of work The Spiral Path has a foundation rooted in the Divine Feminine teachings and incorporates principles of Ayurveda, yoga and tantra. She acts as a bridge from spirit to the physical to remind you how connected, supported and nourished you are.

This conversation is a bit of a long one as we really geeked out on all things flowers, including realising that the flowers were gifting us a lot of the same messages, though we are half a world apart.

A few of the topics we touched on include opening our perceptions to untapped possibility and potential, How wisdom is carried through our lineage and can be accessed from within at any time, working with the divine feminine teachings, and bringing forth a new generation of flower essences.
And just so much more.

If you would like to find Samantha and her work you can do so via her website ⁠https://thespiralpath.love/⁠
and her instagram ⁠  / ⁠  

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Take my free masterclass on how to deepen your flower essence practice below


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