The 2nd Book Of Esdras (Apocrypha)

Описание к видео The 2nd Book Of Esdras (Apocrypha)

The 2nd Book Of Esdras (Apocrypha)
Hopefully this will allow those who cannot see well to gain understanding of the gospel... Blessings to all.

Please Note Amendments:

Chapter 7:70 "there should be very few left peradventure in an innumerable multitude." (MISSING)

Chapter 5:56 Then said I "Lord, I beseech thee, if I have found favour in thy sight, show thy servant by whom thou visitest thy creature"

Chapter 6:1 And he said unto me "In the beginning, when the earth was made, before the borders of the world stood, or ever the winds blew,..."

Thank you.


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