Berlin Studio Demo (BWW, JXLB, SMB, CSB, CB, Real Musicians)

Описание к видео Berlin Studio Demo (BWW, JXLB, SMB, CSB, CB, Real Musicians)

Quick demo of Samplicity's Berlin Studio plugin.
Can it put any sound into the Teldex Hall?

I used OT samples (Berlin Winds and Junkie XL Brass) in their mixed mic settings vs their close mic settings to see how similar the results are.

I used Sample Modelling, which is recorded in an anechoic chamber, to see if a bone dry sound can be put into Teldex and match Berlin Brass.

I used close mics from other libraries to see if they would sound like a Teldex library.

I used Spitfire Studio Woodwinds to see if a dry room can sound like Teldex.

With this plugin, I think Sample Modelling gets a lot more useful! Especially if you use OT libraries!
  / didchoi  
  / didchoi  


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