National museum of Natural History in Washington DC.

Описание к видео National museum of Natural History in Washington DC.

Natural History Museum of America in Washington DC. Amazing place. #naturalhistorymuseum

The natural history museum of natural history is a museum located in Washington, D.C. (District of Columbia.) The museum is operated by the Smithsonian institution and it’s one of their most popular museums attracting about 4.4 Million visitors each year. It originally opened in 1910 but it’s still operating till this day and the reason it’s so popular is because of various reasons. One of the majoring reasons being because it displays evidence and art throughout almost every timeline of which we know of. Another reason is because the tickets are free of cost and it’s open 365 days a year. It consists of 140+ million artifacts including the most famous and expensive necklace in the world along with many other artifacts that may be considered worth looking at.
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