UMVC3: Nova Combo Video

Описание к видео UMVC3: Nova Combo Video

Heya guys!
Wow, 100+ subs. I didn't expect to reach that! Thanks to ya'll! X)

Anyway, I was requested LONG TIME AGO to make a Nova video, and here it is. I'm not really a Nova player... But I hope this video will Nova players out there and maybe even improve these combos.
I really wanna upload videos more often.

Combos are in order of damage. And the last combo is just an X-Factor infinite. Done it to Phoenix 'cause... people hate her and I never had her as a dummy before, and no, that is not anti-Dark Phoenix technology. XD
Most of the combo's damage can be improved by doing Super Nova (dp+2ATK) instead of Gravimetric Blaster or Human Rocket. I just didn't want ALL my combos to end of with same thing you know? It'll be boring. :/

Combo to Strider:
(close to opponent) f+H, dp+L, H, S, super jump, j.H, fly, j.H, S, land, f+H, S, super jump, j.H, qcf+L (very little red health needed), j.H XX dp+2ATK.

Combo to Logan:
(Close to air opponent) j.f+H, dash down forward, j.H, land, H, S, super jump, j.H, fly, j.H, unfly, j.H, land, H, S, super jump, j.H, j.S, land, f+H, S, super jump, j.H XX dp+2ATK.

Combo to Danny:
j.H, land, M, H, S, super jump, j.H, qcb+M, (opponent by wall), dash down forward, j.H, land, H, S, super jump, j.H, qcb+L, j.H, qcf+L XX qcb+2ATK. (do dp+2ATK instead...)

Combo to COTA-94:
L, M, H, S, super jump, j.M, j.M, j.H, fly, j.M, j.M, j.H, j.S, land, f+H, S, super jump, j.M, j.M, j.H, qcf+L XX dp+2ATK.

Combo to Shuma:
qcb+H, S+ATK, S, super jump XX fly, j.H, unfly, j.M, land, H, S, super jump, j.H, fly, j.M, j.H, qcf+L XX qcf+2ATK. (Do dp+2ATK instead...)

Combo to Firebrand:
j+H, land, M, H, S, super jump, j.H, qcb+L, Dash down, j.H, land, S, super jump, j.H, qcb+L, Dash down, j.H, land, S, super jump, j.H, qcf+L XX qcb+2ATK (Do dp+2ATK instead...)

Combo to Akuma:
j.H, land, cr.H, S, super jump, j.H, fly, j.H, unfly, j.H, land, Dash foward, cr.H, S, super jump, j.H, fly, j.H,unfly, j.H, land, S, super jump, j.H, qcf+M XX qcf+2ATK. (You know what I say here...)

Combo to Dormammu:
j.H, land, M, H, S, super jump, j.H, fly, j.H, unfly, j.H, land, S, super jump XX S+ATK, jump, j.M, j.H, land, S, super jump, j.H, qcf+L XX qcf+2ATK (You know...)

Combo to Nathan:
qcb+H, S+ATK XX qcb+2ATK, d+ATK, H, S, super jump, j.H, qcb+M, j.S, land, dp+L XX dp+2ATK.

Combo to Amaterasu:
S+ATK, qcb+H, S+ATK, S, super jump XX dp+M, H, qcf+M (30% red health needed...), dp+M, dp+H, super jump, j.H, qcf+L XX dp+2ATK.

Combo to Tasky:
j.H, land, M, H, qcb+M, (Dash if needed...) S, super jump, j.H, qcb+L, dash down, j.H, land, H, S, super jump, j.H, qcf+L (little red health needed...), j.H, qcf+L XX dp+2ATK.

Combo to Zero:
S+ATK, qcb+H, S+ATK, S, super jump XX dp+M, H, S, super jump, j.H, qcb+L, dash down, j.H, qcf+L XX dp+2ATK.

Infinite to Jean:
(Just get someone in the air with dp+M and spam away!)
L, M, H XX X-FACTOR, M, H, S, super jump, XX dp+H, super jump, j.H, fly, j.H, unfly, j.H, land, dp+M, (SPAM!! until K.O.)... qcb+H, qcb+M XX qcf+2ATK.

Here's how much damage Super Nova'll do:

Combo to Iron Fist: 743 200
Combo to Shuma: 741 100
Combo to Firebrand: 805 400
Combo to Akuma: 795 000
Combo to Dormmamu: 800 000
Combo to Phoenix: ... KO! XD

Song is from the FFXIII-2 album: Run (Or Dash).
Beginning picture was given to me by a special friend, Rockinallday247! Thanks a lot! Picture is copyrighted. (JK)

I hope you enjoy! :)


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