PDCA Cycle Explained (Deming Cycle | Shewhart Cycle | PDSA)

Описание к видео PDCA Cycle Explained (Deming Cycle | Shewhart Cycle | PDSA)

In this video, we explain the PDCA Cycle by William Edwards Deming, a tool that can help you continuously improve your products, services, and organizational processes.

Topics we'll cover are:

- Introduction 00:00
- Plan 01:36
- Do 02:21
- Check 02:48
- Act 03:31
- 12 Step PDCA Cycle 03:48
- PDCA Continuous Improvement 04:35
- When to Use 05:06
- PDCA Example 05:34
- Advantages & Disadvantages 07:59
- Summary 09:16

To learn more, you can read our companion article to this video here:

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