HUE-MAN: “Those Who Mastered Angles of Light”

Описание к видео HUE-MAN: “Those Who Mastered Angles of Light”

Speakers: Dr Delbert Blair / William Donahue / MM

Have you ever wondered what it means to be, human? Or where humans received our name from? common theory is that the word "Human" was first recorded in the mid 13th century, and owes its existence to the Middle French humain “of or belonging to man.” It is a derivated of a latin word Humanus, (human) or Humus” (Soil). The word comes from the idea the first human beings were made from soil.

However, have you ever wondered if that's as deep as the very name of our human race goes? One theory suggests the name Hue Man is far more ancient than we've been led to believe, and is referring to the colour vibration, or hue, that man is emanating from his being at all times. In order to understand how this relates to us, man, mankind, woman, let us first develop a basic understanding of functions and qualities of a Hue.

HUE: the attribute of a colour by virtue of which it is discernible as red, green, etc., and which is dependent on its dominant wavelength and independent of intensity or lightness.

As human beings, we are akin to a distinct attribute of color, a quality that allows us to be associated with a specific hue within the spectrum of existence. Each individual is defined not by the physical body, but by the mind. It is the mind, the essence of our intellect and spirit, that gives meaning to the physical world. Without it, the material world would lose its substance. The mind, in its brilliance, operates much like a frequency tuner, attuning itself to various frequencies that shape our perception and experience.

Humans, at their core, are electromagnetic beings existing within an electromagnetic universe. Our presence on the physical plane is anchored in a tangible world, yet we are deeply connected to a higher reality through the ether, which acts as a bridge between our earthly awareness and our astral self. This enigmatic medium enables the interaction between the material and the ethereal, aligning the microcosmic vibrations of our physical bodies with the macrocosm of the universe. the ether serves as a link, merging our physical experiences with the infinite realm of the astral, where our thoughts and intentions trickle in a top down fashion, influencing the very fabric of reality.

Dr Delbert Blair / The Meta-Center TV (YouTube)
William Donahue (YouTube)
Book of Wisdom | Revival of Wisdom (YouTube)

#HueMan #ColorVibration #arcangeles



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