Cuboid Syndrome Holistic Treatment Hesch Method

Описание к видео Cuboid Syndrome Holistic Treatment Hesch Method

Dr. Jerry Hesch, MHS, PT, DPT lives in Aurora Colorado and additional information can be found at
Cuboid Syndrome can be more complex than is typically described. Mr Hesch discusses the traditional model and makes a case for mobilization of the cuboid in the opposite direction, while explaining why both methods may in fact work. He describes what he names Type iII Cuboid Syndrome, a supinatory pattern of the rear foot and mid foot involving all major joints of the foot and ankle. He explains that the calcaneus via the subtalar joint has a significant influence on mobility of the cuboid, and therefore accessory motions of the sub talar joint are very relevant, particularly eversion (valgus) and abduction. He describes relevant accessory motions of the superior and inferior tibi-fibular joint, the distal tibia on talus, the talus at the talocrural joint, the calcaneus at the talocalcaneal joint, the cuboid and the midfoot, including the navicular as it articlates primarily with the talus.
Dr. Jerry Hesch, MHS, PT, DPT lives in Aurora Colorado and additional information can be found at


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