Hamid Mir | The Story Episode 3

Описание к видео Hamid Mir | The Story Episode 3

Hamid Mir opens up about the freedom of press in Pakistan, taking us back in time when he lost his job at The Jang newspaper and Daily Pakistan for running anti-government news.
The renowned journalist tells ProPakistani how his "public interest" agenda versus the popular "national interest" narrative landed him in trouble, including the 2014 attack on him in Karachi. What happened to a Supreme Court inquiry into the matter? Find out Mir's take in the third episode of this exclusive interview.
Watch the 3rd episode of Hamid Mir: The Story - an exclusive slice of life from one of Pakistan's most renowned investigative journalists.

Here is the link to our 1st Episode of Hamid Mir The story:
   • Hamid Mir | The Story Episode 1  

Here is the link to our 2nd Episode of Hamid Mir The story:
   • Hamid Mir | The Story Episode 2  

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