Getty Research Portal: Launch and Colloquium (Video 1 of 5)

Описание к видео Getty Research Portal: Launch and Colloquium (Video 1 of 5)

Part One:
Welcome and Opening Remarks by James Cuno, J. Paul Getty Trust.
Introduction and Launch by Thomas W. Gaehtgens, Getty Research Institute.

Presentation and Demo of the Getty Research Portal Followed by Question and Answer Session with the Getty Research Institute Project Team:
Murtha Baca, Digital Art History
David Farneth, Collections Management
Kim Richter, Director's Office
Kathleen Salomon, Library Services
Joseph Shubitowski, Information Systems

The Getty Research Institute presents the launch of the Getty Research Portal™, a free online search platform providing global access to digitized art history texts in the public domain. At a colloquium accompanying the launch, speakers from leading international institutions discuss issues, challenges, and developments in digital art history and the Portal's potential to revolutionize how art historians conduct research.

Learn more about the Getty Research Portal at the Getty Research Institute's website.


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