Joining the Elite | Artemiev vs Nakamura | Gibraltar Masters (2019)

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Vladislav Artemiev vs Hikaru Nakamura
Gibraltar Masters (2019), Catalan Bay GIB, rd 7, Jan-28
English Opening: Agincourt Defense. Neo Catalan Declined (A14)

1. Nf3 Nf6 2. g3 d5 3. Bg2 e6 4. O-O Be7 5. c4 O-O 6. b3 c5 7. Bb2 Nc6 8. e3 b6 9. Nc3 dc4 10. bc4 Bb7 11. Qe2 Rc8 12. Rad1 Qc7 13. Ne1 Ne8 14. f4 Nd6 15. Nf3 a6 16. a4 f5 17. d3 Bf6 18. h3 Nb4 19. g4 g6 20. e4 fe4 21. de4 Ne4 22. Ne4 Bb2 23. Neg5 Bf3 24. Rf3 Bd4 25. Kh1 Rce8 26. Ne6 Qc6 27. f5 Qa4 28. fg6 Rf3 29. gh7 Kh8 30. Bf3 Nc6 31. Nc5

The 17th Gibraltar Masters is taking place in the Caleta Hotel, Gibraltar from 22-31 January 2019. The 10-round, 250-player open sees stars such as Aronian, MVL, Nakamura and So compete for a £25,000 first prize, while the women's top prize of £15,000 has again attracted many of the world's best female players.

Players receive 100 minutes for 40 moves, followed by 50 minutes for 20 moves, then 15 minutes until the end of the game, with a 30-second increment from move one. A tie for first place will be settled in a speed play-off. The Gibraltar Chess Festival also features four separate amateur tournaments. Official website:

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