Rock Band 2 - "That's What You Get" Expert Guitar 100% FC (88,870)

Описание к видео Rock Band 2 - "That's What You Get" Expert Guitar 100% FC (88,870)

That's What You Get - Paramore

Honestly one of my favorite songs in the game. I'm a sucker for Paramore. This is a terrible score, there's so much early whammy it's ridiculous. But I mean come on, just LOOK AT THOSE VISUALS!
This game is unmatched in terms of venues, character creation, selist, etc.... I look back on this game so fondly. It came out at the perfect time; the rhythm game genre was at the very peak of its popularity, everybody in the world was playing this game. Whether it be alone in your college dorm, with a group in mom's basement, or at a bar, everybody was playing Guitar Hero and Rock Band. This game has songs to fit everybody's tastes and skill levels, and it was supported so well by it's incredible DLC offering. In the RB2 era of DLC, we got:
"Peace Sells... but Who's Buying?" -Megadeth
"Rust in Peace" -Megadeth
"Moving Pictures"- Rush
"Blood Sugar Sex Magik" -Red Hot Chili Peppers
"Dr. Feelgood" -Motley Crue
"Nevermind"- Nirvana
"Tragic Kingdom" + every popular single -No Doubt
"Texas Flood" -Stevie Ray Vaughan
"Ten" -Pearl Jam
"Backspacer" -Pearl Jam
"Axis: Bold As Love" -Jimi Hendrix
"Are You Experienced" -Jimi Hendrix
"The Great Southern Trendkill' -Pantera
Spinal Tap
a ton of Judas Priest
Iron Maiden
Foo Fighters
Grateful Dead
Creedence Clearwater Revival
Alice In Chains
Stone Temple Pilots
Lots of great 2000's rock, metal, emo, pop-punk, etc.
Lady Gaga and Miley Cyrus (what a sign of the times lol)
and ROCK BAND NETWORK! Fan service at it's best.

What I'm trying to get at here is that the DLC for this game was insane, and if I had thousands of dollars to blow, I would buy every piece of DLC released during this time, because it's all just so good. Rock Band 4 DLC just cannot compare to the golden era.
What an abysmal shell-of-its-former-self RB4 is. It's such a shame seeing my favorite series of games devolve so poorly. I'm extremely grateful for Clone Hero keeping this community alive, and actually growing it to levels of viewership HIGHER than when the rhythm game genre was at it's peak. BIG respect for Ukog and Acai, these guys have been in the community forever and I love watching them succeed in 2018 by playing a game that was popular a decade ago.

I apologize for my long-winded rant, I've been feeling very nostalgic for the past few weeks. Playing through these games again has been an incredible experience. I first played these games a decade ago, as a child. I was only eight years old when I first picked up a plastic guitar, and next month I'll be turning 21. I never imagined myself still playing these games even in high school, much less college. I quite literally grew up playing these games, being exposed to so many kinds of music. It would be an understatement to say that Guitar Hero and Rock Band played a massive role in fostering a love of music in me. I don't know where I would be without these games. It sounds a bit pathetic to say that, but I've sunk countless hours playing these games and they've brought me so much joy over the years. For better of for worse, I would be a different person if my mom never encouraged me to try out this game at a gamestop in 2006. I would be a different person if my best friend from 3rd grade didn't create this YouTube account in 2008 for me to post videos of me playing.

If you read all that, thank you. I do this mostly for myself to relive my childhood, and also to help others to relive their childhood by uploading high quality 60FPS videos of the songs they used to love playing. Enjoy the videos.

My scores:


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