SEP 18 Day 7 of 8 Day Water Meditation & Consciousness Experiment Featuring Plant Music.

Описание к видео SEP 18 Day 7 of 8 Day Water Meditation & Consciousness Experiment Featuring Plant Music.

SEP 18 Day 7 of 8 Day Water Meditation & Consciousness Experiment - Featuring Plant Music By White Sage, Cherry Blossom Tree, "Fieldbrook" - Coast Redwood Tree Clone ~ Archangel Ancient Tree Archive, "Waterfall/Stagg" - Giant Sequoia Tree Clone ~ Archangel Ancient Tree Archive, Cannabis, Tulsi Krishna Holy Basil, Solomons Seal, “Usha" Dawn Redwood Tree, Sweetgrass recorded by By Melodies Of Our Plants ~ A journey through water, space and your heart. Water holds the answer all the questions: Who are we, where did we come from, and why are we here? During the experiment please synchronize your breath with the inhale & exhale prompts. Please connect to your sincere heart and direct your sincere love and gratitude to the water for 30 minutes.

JOIN FREE SEP 12- 19 To participate in the LIVE experiment please join the experiment link on Aquapsy ~

Sponsored By Water Peace Project - To learn more about our schedule, experiments, and published research please visit us at


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