Another Eden - Levitator (120 Ewan SA DPS 4T)

Описание к видео Another Eden - Levitator (120 Ewan SA DPS 4T)

A very RNG clear. Boss must not be in fire state for first 3 phases and must not be in crystal state for last 2 phases.It's like 10% chance to clear this way.

The basic plan is to brute force though the phases with Ewan's new big damage update and hope the boss doesn't absorb his attacks.

If you don't have him at high enough shadow or no stellar for Mazrika/Ewan, will take more turns, but you will be able to clear. Main issue is the RNG still.

Levitator / 叡智の塔レビテイタ / 睿智塔 懸浮裝置

0:00 The Fight
3:16 Equipment and Setup


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