Users in multiple teams! 👤👤 - In-Play Online - Video Analysis Software

Описание к видео Users in multiple teams! 👤👤 - In-Play Online - Video Analysis Software

Video 2️⃣9️⃣ In-Play Online video series...

Depending on which type of subscription you have, you may have organised your club into different teams. For example, different age groups, or sports.

With In-Play Online, you can easily choose who has access to each team. For example, an U16s player that only plays in that team, should only see the U16s content. But what if they start to play with the U18s too, they may need access to both.

Also, it is common for certain staff members to oversee multiple teams from their account.

If you have any questions head over to the In-Play Sports website on the link below for more information. You can even sign up to a free 14-day trial.

Hope to see you in the next video…


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