光明皇后ゆかりの寺院、庭園の美しさでも知られる▶︎ 法華寺〈前編〉/奈良・寺社巡り

Описание к видео 光明皇后ゆかりの寺院、庭園の美しさでも知られる▶︎ 法華寺〈前編〉/奈良・寺社巡り

★法華寺★ 奈良県奈良市
国宝 十一面観音菩薩立像
像高1.00m 一木造 通常非公開

透けるように薄い衣に包まれた豊満な弾力感ある体部、そして静から動への一瞬を捉えた表現は、1mの小ぶりの像とは思えないほど充実しており、天平時代の風格をそなえつつ、密教の影響をよく表した傑作といえるでしょう。なお春・初夏・秋の特別開扉以外の期間は、ご分身像(大仏師 松久朋琳作)を拝していただけます。


Hokkeji Temple
▫️Honzon ▫️
National Treasure Standing Image of Eleven-faced Kannon (Goddess of Mercy)
1.00m high, one tree, usually closed to the public.
(Normally closed to the public (special opening in spring and fall)

The main image, Standing Eleven-faced Kannon Bosatsu, is a one-wooden statue in the danzou style, with the grain of high-quality close grain wood, and has an unusual halo with lotus buds and leaves arranged like a halo. The image is said to be a copy of Empress Komyo crossing the lotus pond.
The statue has been kept secret for many years, so it retains much of its original appearance, with a face with clear noses and eyes, lips with a hint of red, and a long right arm gently pinching the edge of the heavenly robe. In her left hand, she holds a vase. Her right leg is lifted off her knee and stepped forward slightly, and the tip of her thumb is lightly raised in the air.
The body is wrapped in a thin, transparent robe with a sense of fullness and elasticity, and the expression that captures the moment of transition from stillness to movement is so substantial that it is difficult to believe that this small 1-meter statue is a masterpiece that expresses well the influence of esoteric Buddhism while retaining the style of the Tenpyo period. During the periods other than the special opening in spring, early summer, and fall, you can see an alter version of the statue (by the Great Buddha Master Matsuhisa Tomorin).

※Excerpt from the website

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