News Item (f4fc95dd-49fb-14d2-fd14-26673ed9a4c8)

Описание к видео News Item (f4fc95dd-49fb-14d2-fd14-26673ed9a4c8)

(6 Feb 1975) 02/06/75 c0049838 - color
kennedy space center space - soyuz - apollo

cut story: "space" shows: shot of nixon and kosygin signing space agreement: shot of four russians looking at model of soyuz good shot of rocket blast off: animation of how soyuz and apollo will link up in space:
(shot xx 50ft)

international cooperation in sr
sr - gen
nixon, richard
kosygin, alenie

xx / 50 ft / 16 mm / color / print
mag track 50 ft

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