PENNYWISE (Normal Clown Form) Makeup - IT Movie 2017

Описание к видео PENNYWISE (Normal Clown Form) Makeup - IT Movie 2017


Hello guys! First, thank you for all the positive responses in my video, "TOYCON 2017 Pennywise experience" Finally! I am now able to share with you how I am doing my Pennywise makeup. If you'll notice, the hair, teeth, and costume were not as accurate as this one during the TOYCON 2017 primarily because that time, there were very limited photos of the new Pennywise over the internet.
Forgive me if I wasn't able to do a voice over because of technical difficulties but I'll do my best to explain everything here and if you have questions, feel free to ask.

1.) Apply bald cap stuffed with lots and LOTS of cotton and sealed it with Graftobian pros-aide and saturate the edges with liquid latex.
2.) Apply forehead latex prosthetic. I did this prosthetic appliance by molding and casting method.
3.) Wear wig. I did the wig by cutting some old cheap synthetic wigs and sticking it in a bald cap
4.) Color your face using Snazaroo Clown White (leave the forehead)
5.) Define brows using Snazaroo Black Water color face paint
6.) Color forehead with snazaroo clown white
7.) Line eyes and smoke it with black eyeshadow
8.) Draw Pennywise' red striations from his mouth to forehead with Red Snazaroo watercolor face paint
9.) The teeth is made of polymorph and I believe there are alot of tutorial available here in Youtube :)

Hope it helps! Thank you for watching and don't forget to subscribe for more transformations!

CLOWNS by SountrackUniverse
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Orange and Lemons instrumental by Jojikiba
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#PrinceDeGuzmanTransformations #PrinceDeGuzman #PennywiseCosplay #Cosplay


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