Orbea Occam LT or SL? Here's how to decide | Singletrack Magazine

Описание к видео Orbea Occam LT or SL? Here's how to decide | Singletrack Magazine

The Orbea Occam has seen a few iterations over years. The latest update sees it become two distinct models – the SL and the LT. Both trail bikes. But very different rides.

In this feature we’re going to go over the new Occam from Orbea. Or rather the Occams, plural. Because yep, Orbea now does two different mountain bike models called Occam.

“Why on Earth does it do that?” you may ask. The simple answer is that an Occam is a “trail bike” but the category we call “trail bike” is now so broad that Orbea has decided to cover it with two bikes instead of one.

The two bikes in question are the Orbea Occam SL and the Orbea Occam LT.

Read more at https://singletrackworld.com/2024/04/...


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