RA4 Reversal with large format cameras

Описание к видео RA4 Reversal with large format cameras

In the reversal process, we use the RA4 paper to shoot directly in the large format camera and then reverse process it. I have shared more about this process in my earlier videos such as this one    • Large Format - RA4 Reversal Processing  

It has been a while since I last used this process so I thought it revisited this process and at the same time shooting something that is Chinese New Year related as Chinese New Year is just around the color. So i used both my 8x10 and 4x5 cameras to shoot with RA-4 paper.

About me:
I have been doing fim photography, darkroom printing since 2003. Since then, I have also been doing alternative processes such as albumen printing, kallitype printing, wet plate and dry plate photography. My favorite cameras are the Nikon FM2 and Nikon F2 and my favorite films are Fomapan 100, Kodak Ektar, Fujifilm Velvia, Rollei Superpan. with The various genres of photography I enjoy doing are landscape photography, portrait photography,

Being new to Youtube, I appreciate the works of other film photographers on youtube, such as Willem Verbeeck, Matt Day, Bigheadtaco and many more


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