Did I Trade Cancer For Heart Disease? Bad Genes Or Treatment Side Effect?

Описание к видео Did I Trade Cancer For Heart Disease? Bad Genes Or Treatment Side Effect?

Seeing my most recent coronary calcium scan results nearly gave me a heart attack! Since my scan five years ago I have lost 50 pounds, changed my diet to Whole Food Plant Based, gotten off medications for high blood pressure and cholesterol but my calcium score has gotten so much worse. Arghh!!! What else happened during the past five years... oh yes, three years of cancer treatments for prostate cancer. Chemo, radiation, three years on Lupron which kept my testosterone (and estrogen) levels near undetectable. Was it just bad genes or bad luck? Or did the side effects of one or more of my cancer treatments turn my heart into a stuffed artichoke?

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A few years ago I convinced myself I was in-shape enough to climb the highest mountain in Texas- Guadalupe Peak-    • Guadalupe Peak Climb & Lessons Learned   Things didn't go as planned!

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