
Описание к видео 臺灣雄風-2E巡航導彈首次曝光!在九鵬基地完成精准彈藥射擊測考,採用高爆和散撒戰鬥部,渦扇發動機加複合制導,射程達1200公里,由陸基機動型平臺攜載,綜合實力趕上戰斧!|美軍|中科院|

According to reports, the Taiwan military conducted a precision ammunition shooting test at the Jiupeng base in Pingtung on the 16th. At about 4 o'clock in the morning, the "Xiongfeng-2E" cruise missile took off from the base, "the rocket booster can be seen falling off on the ground." It is understood that the missile then successfully started the turbofan engine to start cruising, "smoothly flew for more than an hour, and achieved the expected test goal."


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