Ashura Sydney 2024

Описание к видео Ashura Sydney 2024

17th Annual Ashura walk in Sydney Australia 2024. Ashura marks the death anniversary of Hussain ibn Ali, a 7th century revolutionary leader who was killed in The Battle of Karbala. The Day of Ashura is recognised by millions across the world to remember Hussain’s dignified stand for social justice.

Hussain ibn Ali was the grandson of Muhammad (the last prophet of Islam), born in 620 AD. Hussain grew up with stories of compassion and dignity his grandfather displayed, and as such became a leader who was known widely for his compassion, wisdom and integrity.
Not long after the death of Muhammad, the Islamic Empire had fallen back into old habits. Hussain saw his grandfathers teachings eroded by the caliph Yazid. Slowly the moral fabric of society began to decay as Yazid ruled with his own interests in mind.

Hussain was highly respected within society, and his endorsement would carry great weight. Yazid needed a man like Hussain to follow his rule in order to provide legitimacy to his corrupt government. But Hussain was a man of morals and strived for social justice. Hussain could not sit and endorse Yazid and spoke out against him, despite it being a risk to his life.

Hussain chose to make the ultimate stand for social justice. He chose to leave his hometown along with his family and a few companions. When word reached Yazid of Hussains stand, he sent an army of 30,000 to force Hussain to obey his rule.

Yazid knew full well that Hussain had a great amount of influence, and that what started as a small stand with his family and companions could become a stand of tens of thousands of people. Thus, Yazid gave Hussain an ultimatum. Either obey him or die.

Hussain did not want any violence and did not want anyone to die, however he knew he could not sit and obey Yazid, he chose instead to stick to his principles. Having refused to obey him, Yazid ordered his men to kill Hussain on the 10th day of the first month of the Islamic calendar (Muharram). This day is known as The Day of Ashura.

Video recorded by Nainava tv Cameraman. All rights are reserved to Nainava Tv.
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