How good is an Xbox Kinect Sensor for VR?

Описание к видео How good is an Xbox Kinect Sensor for VR?

Surprisingly, it works really well... after some tinkering of course.

Hello everyone, I'm back after another 8 months (now 10 months) of not posting to bring you one of my most ambitious videos to make so far, and It all started with $20 (Thanks Byron!).

Lets get into the credits:
All music from the in YouTube Audio Library
Most sounds from the YouTube Audio Library (Seriously YouTube? You guys have the sound of a toilet lid closing quietly, but not the sound of a doorbell)
Kinect for Windows SDK:
K2VR (Amethyst):
Hyperkin Xbox One Kinect Adapter:
Video Clip at 0:20:    • Kinect for Xbox 360 - Kinect Family o...  

Thank you all for watching, this video wouldn't be possible without you.


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