Israel, Iran, and the Rising Storm Part Two (9:00AM Service) | Pastor Lee Cummings

Описание к видео Israel, Iran, and the Rising Storm Part Two (9:00AM Service) | Pastor Lee Cummings

In this sermon, Pastor Lee Cummings examines the ongoing conflict in the Middle East through the lens of biblical prophecies, specifically exploring the tensions between Israel and Hamas and the persecution of Jewish people in Iran. He dives into the role of faith in these tumultuous times, the potential for this conflict to spark a new world war, and the significance of these events in relation to end-time prophecies, ultimately highlighting the importance of spiritual preparedness and faith in Jesus Christ.

God is not taken by surprise and is in control, even when it seems like things are spinning out of control.

God is raising up an intercessory Army of Jesus-loving Iranians who are now praying for the Jewish people, showcasing the power of God to break through darkness and unite unlikely allies.

The angel Gabriel took 21 days of spiritual warfare against a demonic principality, the Prince of Persia (modern-day Iran), to deliver a message to Daniel, highlighting the spiritual resistance against God's purposes for Israel.

The immense spiritual warfare at the end of the age will physically manifest itself in climate, environment, and geopolitical terms, leading to terrible and horrendous events that cause anxiety and stress.

"The mystery of lawlessness is already at work in the earth, in other words, the spirit of antichrist is already at work." - Pastor Lee Cummings

The Gospel of the kingdom is going to be preached to the whole world, and God is about to activate his church as a prepared bride.

It is concerning that the world has been supporting Hamas and protesting against Israel, despite the terrorist group's violent actions.

The condemnation and protests against Israel can be compared to the celebration and support for Al-Qaeda after the 9/11 attacks, emphasizing the need for empathy and understanding in global conflicts.

Anti-Semitism, which has been masqueraded as social justice, will continue to rise globally, highlighting the issue of pure hate disguised under the umbrella of social justice.

Israel is falsely accused of committing genocide, despite giving ample warning to civilians before taking action against terrorists.

Samantha, the president of a synagogue in Detroit, was tragically murdered in front of her home, highlighting the ongoing violence and danger faced by Jewish communities.

This morning's message focuses on what is happening and what the Bible predicts will happen in the future, providing a framework for understanding current events in relation to biblical scripture and prophecy.

"All who would heave it away will surely be cut into pieces though all nations of the earth gather against it." - The prophecy warns that any attempt to remove Jerusalem from Israel's control will result in severe consequences.

️Jesus prophesied that the end of the age will be marked by Jerusalem being surrounded by armies, indicating its desolation and the epicenter of international attention.

"The Bible prophesies in Ezekiel chapter 38 a time when all the nations of the earth under a leader named Gog of Magog are going to descend from the north on the mountains of Israel and they are going to invade the holy land after a period of seemingly peace and they're going to attempt to destroy it."


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