Crossed the Line

Описание к видео Crossed the Line

In the cartographer's dream, where borders blur
Latitude and longitude, a fading slur
We drew our boundaries with invisible ink
You said, "Let's play a game," with a mischievous wink

But games have rules, my dear
And consequences severe
When imagination and reality
Collide in sweet disparity

You crossed the line, my love
Trespassed the borders of my trust
Now we're in no man's land
Where compasses spin in the dust
You crossed the line, it's true
Now black and white bleeds into blue
In this unmapped territory
We're lost, just me and you

Checkpoints of the heart, we used to pass with ease
Now armed with doubt, we scrutinize our visas and IDs
The Berlin Wall between us grows brick by brick
Each "I'm sorry" adds mortar, layered thick

But walls can fall, you know
And bridges rise from below
When reconstruction and reconciliation
Bloom where divisions grow

You crossed the line, my love
Trespassed the borders of my trust
Now we're in no man's land
Where compasses spin in the dust
You crossed the line, it's true
Now black and white bleeds into blue
In this unmapped territory
We're lost, just me and you

In the geopolitics of love
We're two nations at an impasse
Diplomacy hangs by a thread
As we redraw the maps of our past
But in this global village of hearts
Can we find a new federation?
Where crossing lines means progress
Not a cause for separation

We crossed the line, it's done
Explored the borders of our trust
Found in no man's land
That compasses point to us
We crossed the line, break through
Now rainbow hues replace the blue
In this remapped territory
We're found, just me and you

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