Celebrating the Vahana Tavarao: witnessing healing from grief

Описание к видео Celebrating the Vahana Tavarao: witnessing healing from grief

This is a record of the day when the Vahana Tavarao for my grandmother was held. I dedicate this documentary to her. I hope that each time we view it, that it helps us keep her memory alive for many years.

I also hope, for those from this culture, that this serves as a record of our ever changing and molding culture. Although it fails to truely explain the full meanings and importance of why this is done I do think that it demonstrates that we have cultures that remain, which are good, as it brings everyone together, to strengthen family relationships and to keep peace within the community. There is also the importance of recorgnising the contributions of many that have helped in so many ways.

I thank my mum, Rita, for helping me with the interpretations of the Teop language and also for explaining the significance of what and why things are done.

I believe that for mum this was one final piece of a journey through grief that has been fulfulled. Moreover is the recognition and grattitude of those women that have helped to take care of bubu (grandma) Iaarabe when she was unwell and through her final days.

Also to uncle Sake who shared and guided us through the different stages of this ceremony. His role behind the scenes helped to make things happen.

There are other parts before and after this ceremony that has not been recorded in this docu. There has been so many contributions by family members, inlaws, neighbours, and friends that all make things happen up to this day. Hours preparing food, catching fish, financial contributions, encouragements, and the helping hand did not go unnoticed. It demonstrates the streight of such a complex, yet close web of people in this society.


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